A scene from the movie 'Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade' has Harrison Ford trying to survive a trial of faith where he steps out to an empty space with a long drop below and seemingly no way across. As he gathers his nerve and takes his first step forward a bridge suddenly appears under his feet and he is able to progress safely to the other side. Although it's a fictional scene, it's often the case that we have to step forward in situations when the way ahead looks uncertain.
I'm a person who likes to know where I'm going. When I'm driving a car I like to have signposts at regular intervals and too often I've found myself in the wrong lane when uncertain about the road ahead.
A guy named Abraham in the Bible had to take a step of faith when given a signpost that was vague to say the least. The signpost more or less said 'go to the place that will be shown to you' (see Genesis 12). How can we believe that we will arrive at a particular place in our lives when the location of that place is unclear? The answer lies in the challenge to take a step and begin moving. When there is movement, there is a chance for success. Abraham set off. He put one foot in front of the other and he left the place he had been staying. He exercised faith and his faith led to movement.
Movement can be difficult if we have become settled and fear change. It means leaving the familiar and finding ourselves in new surroundings and taking on new challenges. In the past I lacked confidence in taking on new challenges. I was happy to settle for comfort not challenge. More recently, my spiritual health has improved as I've taken on new challenges and trusted God to be with me. Abraham left the place he'd grown up in and travelled to become a stranger in a foreign land. Moving in faith is unsettling but faith doesn't grow when we avoid movement.
In Romans 4, followers of Jesus are urged to walk in the footsteps of Abraham's faith. This means not staying where we are. We will not be following anyone's footsteps if we are not moving. Abraham set off and began making progress. Of course he encountered setbacks along the way and so do we when following the footsteps of faith. However, God promises to be with those who trust Him and to help them:
Be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go (Joshua 1v9).
I recall as a child walking several times on 'stepping stones' over various areas of water and still enjoy this experience if I'm on a woodland walk. Faith in God enables us to see those stepping stones across our path and encourages us to get moving. Let's put on the walking boots of faith and make our way across obstacles we encounter.
I am encouraged and motivated when someone ahead of me during a more difficult part of a walk or mountain trek tells me to 'follow their footsteps'. The footsteps of Abraham reveal footsteps of faith. These are the footsteps God is looking for from us. The Church today must continue to follow the footsteps of faith.
Image source: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/taking-leap-faith-clinton-karr
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