This is a question I haven't heard for a while, but when I was a child it was the question that came before someone telling a joke. For example, one of the first times I heard it was when a British TV programme called 'Doctor Who' about a time traveller saving the world was at the height of its popularity. So, the joke would go: (Question) 'Knock knock, who's there?' (Answer) 'Doctor'. (Question) 'Doctor Who?' Believe it or not this was funny the first time I heard it. Sometimes it may feel as though we're playing 'knock knock' with God and not getting the desired response. I'm not sure if God is into telling jokes but he may reply with 'Who were you expecting?' This is partly because we often don't recognise that God is already present in our situation and working his purpose in our lives. Alongside this we can look for him to appear in a way that fits our expectations. When the Old Testament character Job was dealing with extreme suffering he eventually recognised God's intervention in his circumstances but he saw that God had different questions for him than the ones he, his wife and his fairweather friends had been asking (see Job 38 where God answers Job). Without seeking to diminish the anguish caused by suffering, some of the most unhelpful questions we can ask are 'Why God Why', 'When God When' or Where are you God in all of this? These questions form blind spots where we can miss potential blessing from God in the midst of the struggle. There will be occasions when we feel we are wrestling with God for a response to our pain or hurt but sometimes we need to persevere for breakthrough. Jacob declared to God: I will not let you go unless you bless me (Genesis 32v26). This doesn't mean that if we are continuing in suffering it is our fault but that it is important to know the Truth that God is near, that he is working for our good even when it doesn't appear true; Romans 8v28 ...we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him... (NIV - emphasis added).
This brings us to the heart of the matter: I have been learning throughout my Christian journey that we are not (despite appearances) in a power struggle! Rather, we are in a truth struggle. A Bible passage which has impacted me lately is Psalm 145v18, The Lord is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth (emphasis added). One of the magnificent truths from the Bible that believers can enjoy daily is that God is near. Psalm 46v1 God is our refuge and strength, a very present or well proved help in trouble. V1 proclaims The Lord of Hosts is with us. God's message to Joshua when he became leader of the Israelites as they moved from the wilderness to the promised land was I will be with you wherever you go (Joshua 1v9b). When Jesus issued The Great Commission to his followers he assured them I am with you always, to the end of the age (Matthew 28v20 b). In the book of James we are urged draw near to God, and he will draw near to you (James 4v8). The message coming through is that God is with us, He is near. For the unbeliever God may be viewed as a far away concept, certainly not a God who can be known personally and is involved with our lives. So what makes the difference in the believer's understanding of this? The Bible teaches us about the key role in this of the Holy Spirit. Jesus promised he would not leave us as spiritual orphans but would send us the Holy Spirit (see John chs 14 &16). Paul wrote to the church about the indwelling of the Spirit in the life of the believer (see Romans 8). Consequently, instead of questioning if God is near, we can walk in the Truth that he is, as we allow the Holy Spirit to teach us. Romans 15v13 May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope. The Holy Spirit enables our minds to know peace (Romans 8v9) and we can know transformational thinking as we lay hold of Truth when it seems elusive. Psalm 145 v18 suggests the key to experiencing that God is near is in laying hold of Truth. The Holy Spirit enables us to do this. Let us not neglect reading, hearing and meditating on the Truth in scripture and keeping it at the forefront of our minds so that the the Holy Spirt has opportunity to bring it to our remembrance (ref John 14v26 about the Holy Spirit bringing Truth to our remembrance). Instead of us asking God, 'knock knock, who's there', it is God who knocks on the door of our hearts and minds by the power of his Spirit and asks 'Is anyone there?'
Unless otherwise stated all scripture quotations are from the English Standard Version.
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