Tuesday, 23 April 2013

Clinging to The Rock

I live in a very scenic part of England near the Lake District. I'm in close proximity to some of the popular Lakeland Fells. When I scaled the one named 'Blencathra', I used the so called 'Sharp Edge' route (sounds great doesn't it). Up to the point of reaching this sharp Edge, I told myself it would not be a problem, but as I began to negotiate this section of the climb, I suddenly became very unsure of myself. I overcame this as I clung closely to the rocks every step of the way and followed the footsteps of my friend who guided me along Sharp Edge and up to the Blencathra summit.
The Psalmist declares to God: My souls clings to you; your right hand upholds me (Ps 63v8). As the climber clings to the mountain we do well to cling to God who, by His grace, upholds us in the midst of our weakness. This may involve throwing off extra baggage that is surplus to requirements. When I scaled Blencathra, I filled my back pack with stuff I didn't need - it was too warm for the extra layers of upper body clothing I brought along. If anything, I had to remove a layer of clothing that was hampering my efforts. Our efforts to cling to God will be hampered if we carry aspects of self-sufficiency which are surplus to requirements. 

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