Life's rough terrain can be compared to a mountain journey. I've never found myself on a mountain by accident; I've only visited them with a specific purpose in mind. God told Moses to go up a mountain and stay for a while until he had received specified instructions (see Exodus 24v12). Sometimes we are required to stay on the mountain of rough terrain until a process God is taking us through is completed.
When Moses failed to come back down the mountain right away his people waiting in the camp below thought 'we don't know what has happened to him' and decided to get on with their own agendas without him (see Exodus 32v1f). The results were not good to say the least!
- When we see a process being dragged out the temptation is to find any way to bring it to a speedy end. The results of us doing this are inferior to what God has planned and we become more frustrated than when we were going through the process. Stay on the mountain or wait for return from the mountain until God's process in our lives has a chance to be worked through.
- The people saw that Moses was 'actually' on the mountain when what they 'wanted' to see was him coming down the mountain. They were not seeing what they wanted so they lost patience with the process.
We must not throw away confident expectation that God will complete what he has started when we are not seeing what we want to see straightaway.The apostle Paul wrote:
being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it to completion...(Philippians 1v6)
Admittedly, the people could not know for sure what had become of Moses as he was taking so long to come down the mountain. Questions lingered in their minds. God often allows us to linger with our questions. This is when our focus needs to be on what we do know (what God has revealed already) not on what we don't know.
...we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ (2 Corinthians 10v5b)
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